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ESP32 Manager

Hard-core home automation and more

Modular, extensible, event-driven framework

Built on top of ESP-IDF, it aims to be as simple and user-friendly as Arduino is, designed to kickstart your project in minutes.

On-chip responsive UI

Interact with your ESP32 and attached devices via modern React UI, served directly from the microchip, mobile and desktop browser-friendly.

Real-time and historical sensor monitoring

Monitor your sensors in UI, collect readings in Influx and visualize in Chronograf. Feed the data into your own application via MQTT / WebSockets API.


Remote logging and debugging

Send logs to remote rsyslog server, save to flash, or design your own appender. Monitor/change digital pin states, use PWM, ADC, pulse counters and many more ESP32 hardware features from within UI


True multitasking

Interact with many different devices from separate threads at the same time, even on a single bus like I2C. Leave synchronization, locking and handling race conditions to the framework.

Built-in OTA upload support

Upload new firmware from the designated HTTP server easily, via UI, MQTT or WebSockets command.